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All you need to know about Twitter

Twitter: not a lost cause.
With the current lockdown meaning more and more of us are engaging through the various social media channels, Twitter has seen a resurgence of love! We have always been a little bit in love with Twitter – being all about the words – so we thought we would explore how to use Twitter and maximise it’s benefits.

It is all in the name… It is called ‘social media’ for a reason. When starting Twitter follow people you know; people you have similar interests too; people whose content you enjoy and interests you. And interact with these people – reply, like, retweet. Some of the greatest conversations were started on Twitter!

Don’t post and ghost! My favourite saying when it comes to all social media channels and one particularly apt for the business world. If you have something to say, say it. But don’t forget to interact with the people who have commented on your post, liked it, retweeted it. All of the social media courses I have been on over the last few years all have the same message – you wouldn’t expect someone to buy from you without any engagement in ‘real’ life so don’t expect the same on social media platforms. Form a relationship. People buy people after all!

Does it sound like you? Your business will have its own tone – what it wants to say and how it wants to be said. This is unique to you and your business. It is your business personality. If you want to be a thought leader in your field post content which is knowledgeable or retweet articles and quotes which you think your audience want to hear and relate to. If your business is more lighthearted don’t be afraid of taking a lighter tone, share a joke or a meme. Let people find out the person or people behind the business.

Are you ‘on trend’? Content creation can be one of the hardest things about running your social media accounts for your business. Twitter is great for helping you with your ideas – make use of your #hashtags. Find out what is trending and what you can link to your business. From #internationalwomansday to #stillopenforbusiness you can tailor your content to ensure you are on trend and relevant to what is happening.

Keeping it simple… Oversharing. Don’t switch your followers off with too much tweeting! Always think about your followers when you are scheduling content and how often you do this. There is a fine line between being consistent and showing up and switching people off with incessant twittering! Keep an eye on your Twitter analytics which will keep you informed of how your tweets are performing, what is working well, and what keeps your followers engaged. Green up arrows are what you are wanting to see!
Most importantly enjoy Twitter and what it can bring to you and your business. Take time exploring the platform and Tweet away!